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Archivo de la etiqueta: coronavirus

There has been a gradual change in Southeast Asia over the past month that has suddenly become our new reality.
Ha habido un cambio gradual en el sudeste asiático durante el último mes que de repente se ha convertido en…
Allow me to share my experiences about transitioning to a digital classroom while maintaining my positive classroom culture.
Permítame compartir mis experiencias sobre la transición a un aula digital mientras mantengo mi cultura positiva en el aula.
In-house therapists now have to provide teletherapy without the proper platforms and without any formal teletherapy training.
Los terapeutas internos ahora deben proporcionar teleterapia sin las plataformas adecuadas y sin ningún tipo de capacitación formal en teleterapia.
Although we are in the midst of a global pandemic, things are happening so fast, sometimes I wonder, “How did we get here, how are we doing, how have we all been impacted, where are we now?”
Aunque estamos en medio de una pandemia global, las cosas están sucediendo tan rápido que a veces me pregunto: ¿Cómo…
Below I will share with you the story of how in one week I turned my home into an online yoga studio in an effort to do my part in helping the teachers of this country find solace in this time of great fear and uncertainty.
A continuación, compartiré con ustedes la historia de cómo en una semana convertí mi hogar en un estudio de yoga…
My son, Langston.
Through nonverbal communication, I was slowly building a beautiful space with my students where we could learn and communicate with each other without saying a word.
A través de la comunicación no verbal, estaba construyendo lentamente un hermoso espacio con mis alumnos donde podíamos aprender y…
Many of us have felt grief before because we’ve lost loved ones, jobs, and special objects that are meaningful to us, but for the first time in my life I felt a kind of grief that I’ve never experienced.
Muchos de nosotros hemos sentido pena antes porque hemos perdido seres queridos, trabajos y objetos especiales que son significativos para…
My experience with school closure has solidified the value of in person instruction, in a classroom setting, in the traditional sense.
Mi experiencia con el cierre de la escuela ha solidificado el valor de la instrucción en persona, en el aula,…
The way we shape our students’ lives is something that drives us, connects us, and even if we’re far away, brings us together.
Haga clic arriba para ver el video. Aunque pasamos mucho tiempo en reuniones virtuales en el modelo de aprendizaje a…

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