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Archivo de la etiqueta: bienestar

The International School of Belgrade (ISB) redesigned its PHE curriculum with the simple slogan: Move well before moving often.
The International School of Belgrade (ISB) rediseñó su plan de estudios de PHE con el lema simple: Muévase bien antes…
I feel overwhelmed. I feel grateful. I feel uncertainty. I feel unsure. I feel peace. I feel MIXED.
Me siento abrumada. Me siento agradecida. Siento incertidumbre. Me siento insegura. Siento paz. Siento una mezcla de emociones.
As educators, leaders, and parents continue to navigate these challenges, many are asking some serious questions about the fall – How will we do school in a global pandemic?
A medida que los educadores, los líderes y los padres continúan navegando por estos desafíos, muchos se hacen preguntas serias…
Like many school boards and school districts around the county and the world, our district is trying to determine its plan for the 2020-2021 school year.
Al igual que muchas juntas y distritos escolares de todo el condado y el mundo, nuestro distrito está tratando de…
Many of us have felt grief before because we’ve lost loved ones, jobs, and special objects that are meaningful to us, but for the first time in my life I felt a kind of grief that I’ve never experienced.
Muchos de nosotros hemos sentido pena antes porque hemos perdido seres queridos, trabajos y objetos especiales que son significativos para…
One year, I received a poem from Jaime (a fictitious name for a real student) that made me question whether or not the student was creatively expressing his ideas honestly and transparently, or if his work was a legitimate cry for help.
Un año, recibí un poema de Jaime (un nombre ficticio para un estudiante real) que me hizo preguntarme si el…
When educators are able to focus on their own wellness, classroom environments and student outcomes are positively affected.
Cuando los educadores pueden enfocarse en su propio bienestar, los ambientes del aula y los resultados de los estudiantes se…
What is the purpose of a gap year? What compels a student to take time off after graduating from high school to self-reflect, reorient, and recharge?
¿Cuál es el propósito de un año sabático? ¿Qué obliga a un estudiante a tomarse un tiempo libre después de…

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