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Howdy, Edufriends! I am a lover of people and relationships. I’ve been teaching for more than 16 years. My happy places have been reading specialist, instructional coach, mentor, and a 3rd grade and Kindergarten teacher. My classroom is a live learning lab hosting student teachers, teachers who want to learn how to have more engagement in their classrooms, and administrators for other schools often pop in. I am most passionate about igniting the spark in adults and helping children believe in themselves. Perhaps oddly interesting, I have a unique love for animals that includes previously having owned a boa constrictor and having shown pure-bred wolves at wolf shows. I should have said unique love for exotic animals!

Está bien no estar bien

Nunca -en un millón de años- pensamos que seríamos agregados...

Published in - Perspectivas

Asientos flexibles: no es una tende ...

Esta es una historia que debe comenzar con el final...

Published in - Perspectivas

Los muchos ángulos de la perspecti ...

¿Cómo sabe una estudiante que tiene éxito? ¿Cómo sabe un...

Published in - Perspectivas

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