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Michele Hill is a passionate educator who serves as a Coordinator of Admissions and Communications at Burlington County Institute of Technology. Throughout her career as an educator, Michele has been a champion for struggling and impoverished students.In her new role, Michele strategically markets and brands BCIT to attract and retain students and staff and highlight the amazing things happening in the school district. Michele has been a guest blogger for ASCD Inservice, McGraw Hill, Principal Leadership, Teacher Tool Kit UK, Edweek and ASCD Road Tested.

Construyendo una comunidad escolar ...

No es ningún secreto que las escuelas han experimentado muchos...

Published in - Noticias Escolares

Maestría encendida

¿Qué pasaría si alguien pudiera ahorrar innumerables horas de aprendizaje...

Published in - Perspectivas

¿Quién cuenta tu historia?

Cuando entré a la universidad, tuve la visión de hacer...

Published in - InterACT en línea

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