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I come from a family of 7 kids, but the first to go through one school system, which happens to be the same district I work for now as a High School Social Studies teacher at West Valley High School. I’ve been working there for the last 18 years, I am currently the department chair, I have my Master’s Degree in History from Central Washington University and teach Civics, AP/CHS American Government and Politics, CHS United States History and American Studies. I also have coached Football, Track, and Basketball. My wife Tori and I have been married for 21 years and have 2 daughters Tai and Marli.

I Miss My Classroom: 4 Things That ...

It’s Saturday morning, the end of the third week of...

Published in - Perspectives

Echo de menos mi aula: 4 cosas que ...

Es sábado por la mañana, el final de la tercera...

Published in - Perspectivas

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